And we're off.................
We are headed to Dallas tomorrow. Of course I didn't know that the NASCAR race was going to be in Dallas this weekend. We will probably be fighting a TON of traffic on our way. We may go ahead and get a hotel room by the airport, that way we won't have to fight the race traffic on Sunday morning.
I'll post pictures and all of that when we get back!! Thanks in advance to my parents, grandparents and Nana for watching my babies!! I will not have to worry about them while they are with you!!
Have a good next week! =)
Friday, April 13, 2007
Monday, April 09, 2007
Breanna had her Easter party on Friday at daycare. Here are some pictures of her there....

Breanna was covered in chocolate.....

JJ dressed in his non-formal Easter outfit

The funniest thing happened. I have always said that Breanna is a very everything in it's place kind of girl. Well she pulled out all of the stuffed animals and lined them up on the couch. She then took all of the eggs and separated them all of the big eggs in JJ's basket and the small eggs in hers. One thing that you could not do is mix up the eggs. If you put one of the small eggs in with the big eggs you had better watch out she was right there ready to put them back in their respective baskets.

Breanna had a GREAT time at her Easter Egg hunt at Daycare. I had Sara video tape it so I got to see her run around and get her eggs. A good time was had by all.
Hope you all had a good Easter.
Friday, April 06, 2007
So here are the pictures that I promised. I added a note about JJ that I had forgotten to talk about before.

Ok here with this picture there is a bit of a story. JJ is now sitting in the high chair because I have begun to feed him some baby food. I know he is only 4.5 months old, but he is ready. Bottles are not keeping him full enough. I tried to give him cereal, but he doesn't really like it to much and I can't blame him. It tastes like cardboard. So he has begun getting Squash, he LOVES it he pretty much inhales the stuff. Next up over the weekend. Sweet Potatoes. Yuuummm.

Thursday, April 05, 2007
Well it is Easter week. This means at Daycare Breanna is busy making all of her Easter crafts. Including dying some Easter Eggs. She made them yesterday. According to Sara Breanna wanted her eggs to stay in the dye and she wanted to just stir them. She did not like it much when her eggs came out of the dye. I’ll post a picture of the little eggs tomorrow. Friday they are having an Easter Egg hunt at Daycare. I am sending the video camera over so that we can see Breanna in action.
Jay has been in
The best thing ever is On Demand TV. We have Cox and on their On Demand menu they have a Cable TV section, under that they have a kids section. Then you can pick Nickelodeon and then Nick Jr., and you know who had their shows on Demand there. That’s right Dora. So we watch the Dora Easter show or at least part of it most days. There is also
More Dora news, so I have been collecting Pampers points. I got enough points to order the Buenos Noches Dora doll. So soon Breanna will have her new doll. We were at the grocery store last night (which in it self is a hassle with both kids.) Breanna saw a Dora sippycup. We had to have the sippycup, we had to have the sippy cup in the bath with us, we had to sleep with the Dora cup, when I woke her up this morning she was still holding on to the Dora cup. She took the cup to Daycare with her. As far as I can tell that cup is glued to her hand.