I have to admit that I do go to a lot of cooking recipe websites like these.....
I get great looking recipes off the internet print them out and plan on being a really good cook at home and preparing some of these very home cooked from scratch recipes. I really intend on cooking these great looking things that I print off, but 99.9% of the time it does not happen. Life kicks in and it turns into this......
Take this out of the pantry add water to the pot on the stove and cook according to the directions Then take this out of the pantry and add a little buttter salt and pepper and simmer for a few minutes.
Then take this out of the frig, preheat the oven and pop them in for as long as the directions say.
In the end we have garlic mashed potatos, corn, and some great tasting talapia. Not too bad for just having to read the directions.
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
2 people showing some love:
your dinner looks great. a lot of those recipes nowadays are so time consuming and then you don't know if they'll even turn out. with kids you have to go with what you know.
Your dinner still looks tasty! :)
One day, when we come back up to OKC to visit we can hit the kitchen together one weekend evening, and Michael and Jay can watch the kids LOL. I love cooking with friends. It's so fun :)
I'm gonna start checking out those blogs too! Thanks for listing those!
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